
The 22nd Annual Sreemad Bhagavad Tattva Sameeksha Satram

will be held virtually on YouTube channel from 22nd December 2023 to 31st December 2023

Dear and Blessed Souls

Harih Om Tat Sat. The 22nd Annual Sreemad Bhagavata Tattva Sameeksha Satram jointly organized by Narayanashrama Tapovanam and Hind Navotthana Pratishthan will be held from 22nd to 31st December 2023 in Sabha Niketan at Naimisharanyam, Paralikad..

This year too, we propose to webcast the entire programme at Naimisharanyam in our ‘Bhagavata Tattvam’ YouTube channel. In the same channel, I speak every Wednesday on Sreemad Bhagavatam, presenting the principles, truths and philosophy Vyasadeva expounds in the sacred Text.

Now that we have Sabha Niketan, we are also holding a full-day satsang based on Sreemad Bhagavatam, every second Saturday of the month.

This year, in Satram, I propose to speak on Krishna’s final message to his most chosen devotee Uddhava. Learning that Krishna was preparing to depart from the world, Uddhava submitted before him: “I cannot keep away from your lotus feet even for half a second. So, take me also, O Lord, along with you, wherever you go.”

Krishna responded with his characteristic skill and mastery in a long dialogue with Uddhava, called Uddhava Gita. While Bhagavad Gita transpired in the din and bustle of Kurukshetra battlefield, this peaceful leisurely discussion took place in the palace of Dwaraka. Speaker and listener were advanced in age. Kurukshetra exhortation was for intense action. Here it is for plunging into devotional austerity and gaining inner spiritual redemption. Uddhava Gita explains vividly what devotees should do to strengthen and deepen their devotion..

There will also be 3 talks in English keeping in mind devotees from other states who do not understand Malayalam.

Sreemad Bhagavata Tattva Sameeksha Satram is meant to empower the participants’ minds and enlighten their intellects, so that they will be able to face all challenges with confidence and hope, to go forward with enhanced dedication and joy. It is also aimed at unearthing the inner, spiritual treasure of wisdom and beatitude. While the young can derive inner strength and stability to steer through worldly challenges, the old can safely plunge into themselves and rejoice in the unique abundance and ecstasy of the immortal Self.

These time-tested values relating to human mind and intelligence, when rationally explained, are sure to evoke emotional persuasion and rational compulsion in anybody. We have been conducting the Satram for the last 19 years solely with this intention. It has become an inevitable part of the life of the people of Kerala. Every note of our great culture takes root and spreads in this manner.

To bequeath material assets to your successors is not enough. Parents must also instil spiritual merits and excellence, wherein exposures like Tattva Sameeksha Satram become indispensable.

To inculcate values like sattvic restraint, moderation, fraternity and integrity, the best way is to expose the young to the great narrations like Bhagavad Gita and Sreemad Bhagavatam, which are bound to generate untold inspiration and persuasion in their minds. With this objective, every year we have been holding competitions in recitation, essay-writing, etc. based on Sreemad Bhagavatam for youngsters.

Our culture is full of time-tested values relating to human mind and intelligence. Rationally explained, these are bound to evoke (i) emotional persuasion and (ii) rational compulsion in any listener or reader. We have been conducting the Satram for 21 consecutive years solely with the intention of disseminating our rich culture, so much so that it has become an inevitable part of the life of those who attend the event and equally of the people of Kerala. Our great culture has always taken root and spread in this manner.

On 28th December from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., thousands of students along with others will recite the most holy Vishnusahasranaama, in order to enrich and empower their personality. Vishnusahasranaama Japa helps improve concentration and safeguards against common brain disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s. It is enlightening to note that great Ayurvedic Acharya Charaka has prescribed Vishnusahasranaama japam as a Daiva-vyapashraya chikitsa, to redress bodily ills..

Vishnusahasranaama recitation and Vishnusahasranaama Samooha Maha Yajna can be done by those who are unable to come to Naimisharanyam, in their respective houses, simultaneous with the collective recitation and performance on 28th December and 31st December 2023 respectively, as if they were present in Naimisharanyam. Webcast through Bhagavata Tattvam channel thus enlarges the scope of both collective recitation and Samooha Yajna, extending their benedictions the world over.

Enclosed is copy of this year’s brochure. Estimated cost for the event is Rs. 70 lakhs. It is with the whole-hearted sharing of like-minded people and votaries of dharma, that an event of this kind can be held. Taking part in this auspicious event is a unique blessing to your family and future generations.

My fondness and blessings for your health, longevity, peace and contentment, which please convey to your relatives and friends as well. 

Love and ashirvaad. 

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Sreemad Bhaagavata Tattva Sameeksha Satram normally is a 10 day-long exposition which explains how to apply the essential values and ideals of Sreemad Bhaagavatam to daily life. The Satram is usually held at Naimisharanyam, Wadakkanchery, Thrissur district, in the month of December every year, and it aims at making devotion and Sreemad Bhaagavatam the very base of people’s lives, by describing the values and truths propounded by the text. It is organized jointly by the Hind Navotthana Pratishtan and Narayanashrama Tapovanam. Due to the reigning Covid-19 situation the entire event will be held vitually online. Click here to go to the Bhagavata Tattvam YouTube channel.

People from different parts of the country turn out in large numbers in Naimishaaranyam to listen to the day-long discourses and talks by an eminent panel of distinguished scholars and exponents, aimed at bestowing the Bhaagavata elixir and imbuing the listeners with inner values and vision. Knowledge of the Supreme Truth which is contained in Sreemad Bhaagavatam is the only means to free the human mind from the afflictions of the world. Distinct from the usual Sreemad Bhaagavata Saptaahams, the Tattva Sameeksha Satram aims at instilling deeper wisdom, universal values and rational thinking through the profound thoughts of the great holy Text. Each year this objective is being fulfilled to a greater degree, bringing conspicuous results among the attendees.

Vidyaavataam Bhaagavate Pareeksha’ (In Bhaagavatam is the real test for the erudite and scholarly). This quote is an indication of the sublimity and profoundness of this ancient yet timeless Indian scripture. This very abundance of knowledge and wisdom contained in Bhaagavatam is what makes it relevant and practically applicable even in the modern world.

Narayanashrama Tapovanam

Venginissery, PO Paralam
Thrissur, Kerala 680563, India
Ph: +91-487-2277963, 2278302

Hind Navotthana Pratishtan

Vyasa Tapovanam, Vyasagiri PO, Wadakanchery,
Thrissur, Kerala 680623, India
Ph: +91-4884-237486, 237477